PuntIng Pikachu

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
PuntIng Pikachu
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 1:56:52 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

        Evelyn was never fond of Pikachu. She couldn't stand the ordinary Kanto form, and while the Alolan Raichu had a bit of appeal, that was where her tolerance ended. But now, she had to deal with an infestation of them. Wonderful. She knew swarms meant a plentiful amount, but many? It was ridiculous. She could barely walk without almost getting hit by a Thunderbolt or attacked by an Iron Tail. [break][break]

They crazed looking for thunderstone. One pikachu dung up a Thunderstone and evolved into an Alolan Raichu decided to block her path. "I don't have time for this. Reflect Screen and Shadow Ball" Snapping her fingers. Her Espurr and Gastly got to work and the Raichu backed off, but as soon as one left, another seemed ready to appear. Her Eevee sneered then looked up at the woman with mild interest.[break][break]

"If you want a fight, run along," Evelyn dismissed them with a flick of her hand. The more she could defeat into the horde, the more pelts she could sell for the black market. It was just a matter of getting them, after all but risk was slowly overweighting the reward. [break][break]



         • I hope this is okay[break]





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